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Plagiarism and it's types.

    Plagiarism is something you can say is what you used to do when you were in school during exams. In short plagiarism means using someone else's information or words or ideas, and claiming it to be yours. If you remember, I hope you do, during school and college days, while giving a test we used to knock on our neighboring friends table and ask him/her for help by showing the question number through our fingers, and he/she would show his/her answer sheet and we would copy the exact same word by word (to save time and power), as innocent little kids, the answer to our answer sheet and then score good marks (only if that answer would be correct). This act of innocence is known as plagiarism. Plagiarism has many types. They are:

1. Direct Plagiarism

Direct Plagiarism is the type in which the transcription in word to word of a section or column of someone else's work without quotation marks or attribution. This sought of plagiarism is ethically dishonest and an act of illiteracy.
One must have authenticity and originality just like that one bite on the Apple. Any human on this planet will recognize it to  be an Apple product after seeing it. Just like that, any one must understand that it is written by Mr. Xyz, or that product is deigned by Ms. Abc after seeing it. You need not copy the idea of creating something that someone else had planned of.

2. Self Plagiarism

The best example of Self Plagiarism is remake of a movie without authentic permission. Self-plagiarism is defined as "using your own work in a different context without citing that it was used previously. A major example of such an act might be someone who writes a magazine article that is published. Later, that same individual writes a book and uses parts of the magazine article in their writing without indicating that the text had been previously used.

3. Mosaic Plagiarism

Mosaic plagiarism is generally the combination of direct and paraphrase plagiarism. Mosaic Plagiarism occurs when someone asks for for lines or phrases from a source without using quotation marks while. Sometimes called "patch writing", this kind of paraphrasing, whether intentional or not, is a punishable offence - even if you mention the source.

4. Accidental plagiarism

Accidental plagiarism occurs when someone neglects to mention the source from they have taken the information, or unintentionally paraphrases the information by the use of similar words or next to similar words or phrases. Cases of accidental plagiarism are as serious as any other plagiarism and the punishment is also the same as any other one. The person must take notes and phrase the topic in his or her own language in order to understand the intention of the writer.


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