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Narcissistic Personality Disorder


Everything You Need to Know About Narcissistic Personality Disorder



·         According to Google narcissism can be defined as a disorder in which people has an inflated sense of self importance. Men are on the higher side of the ratio when it comes to comparing it with the other sex.

·         A person with Narcissistic personality disorder always needs to be veneration and eulogized. They are the most egoistic people and always want to be praised to boost their ego.

Types of Narcissistic:

·         Overt narcissism.

This is the most common sought of narcissism. People with this type of narcissism are more likely to be over confident about themselves and be less likely to feel sad, worried or lonely. They are also intended to overestimate their own potential and brain power or you can say intelligence.


·         Covert narcissism.

This is exact opposite of overt narcissism as people who go through this have a narcissistic behaviour of a low self-esteem, self-concern, self-absorption, avoidance or evasion, insecurity or low confidence. 


·         Antagonistic narcissism.

Antagonistic narcissism is sought of an epitope of overt narcissism. As overt narcissism focusses on themselves, the one with antagonistic narcissism focusses on vying or competitiveness and feuding or conflict. People with this type of narcissism usually have lesser level of trust in others.


·         Communal narcissism.

Usually people with communal narcissism are considered to be the opposite of antagonistic narcissism. Such type of people are easily morally angered. They describe themselves to be generous and empathic. They don’t like rude behaviour and react against things they seem to be unfair.


·         Malignant narcissism.

Someone who is going through malignant narcissism shows traits antisocial personality disorder. People with malignant narcissism have attributes somewhat similar to those of people with over narcissism. In addition, such people are cruel, they get pleasure from the sorrow of others, they hate to talk to others or angered when interacting with others.


Narcissistic Abuse:

12 signs that you have experienced narcissistic abuse. This part will also teach you how to get over it as well.

·         Triangulation

For example, Mr. A and Mr. B are in an argument. But Mr. B puts in Mr. C into the argument with Mr. A to prove his point. This is triangulation.

·         Gaslighting

Gaslighting happens when an abuser tries to control a victim by twisting their sense of reality. An example of gaslighting would be a partner doing something abusive and then denying it happened.

·         Hoovering

It is the attempt of rebuilding a toxic or harmful or abusive relationship.

·         Silent Treatment

This happens when someone, on purpose, ignores you to control you or he/she makes you feel isolated.

·         Scapegoating

Parents who put the entire blame on one child are known as scapegoats and the act is known as scapegoating.

·         Passive aggression

Indirect blaming and blaming can all point to covert narcissistic manipulation.

These tactics can confuse you, make you question your sense of reality, and damage your self-esteem.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD?

·         They have an intense need or desperation you can say of admiration or attention from others. Such people have an inflated opinion about themselves.

·         When they do not get admiration or attention from others they start entering in a state of depression or disappointment. They also have an intense need of admiration of others.

·         Others usually do not being around them and see them to be elitist or proud about themselves. They always are in need of attention and commendation.

·         Work life is heavily affected for people with NPD. For school kids, having such a disorder, it is really a tough time as schoolmates start avoid talking to them and they enter into a state of loneliness. Relationships are also affected if any one of the partners have such a personality disorder

NPD traits:

People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder usually have these traits:

·         They are arrogant

·         They are self-centred or selfish

·         They are demanding and want everything they want to be completed

·         High self esteem


Narcissistic Symptoms:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD usually starts in the early or young adulthood.

  • you come across as pretentious and boastful, causing others to avoid you
  • your relationships are unfulfilling
  • you become unhappy, angry, and confused when things don’t go your way
  • you have ongoing issues with:
    • work
    • school
    • relationships
    • finances
    • alcohol
    • drugs

Narcissism is something that almost each one of us has been through. Accept it or not but during our school days, we have been through it. This is a message for all of them who are trying to get themselves out of it and trying to live a happier and peaceful life just like everyone else. I would just like to convey this message to the ones who are in the hunt of a peaceful life.


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