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Many a times we start feeling low. It maybe because of someone saying rude words or something that could make your confidence weak. Mark Twain once said, “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” He could not have been more accurate. The way you want the world to see you is directly proportional to the way you see yourself. Creating your self-esteem is a formidable and a constant process. And when you are confident with yourself, no one can stop you. Being self-confident has many benefits as well. It helps you perform better, it lets you get noticed. It also gets you attention of the opposite sex. To sum up, it gets you what you want.

On the other hand, shyness and lack of self-confidence can filibuster your efforts and stop you from getting what you want and what you deserve. You need to keep this in mind, that building your self-confidence is a process, it cannot be built over-night. Confidence is not something that happens to you. Confidence is a norm. And the good thing is that you can do. And though you know that it needs time and energy to create a new habit, you need to stick to it once you create it. It is something which is under you control.

Following are a few ways to do so if applied all together and consistently over time.


1.   Visualize who you want to be


Paint a mental picture in your head of who want to be in and believe that you are that person. This does not mean that just to dream, but also to start working to BE like that person. It may take weeks, months or even years for you to be like that person, but all you need is a target to aim at, and this is the vision you need to focus on. Visualizing does not mean posturing to be someone you are not; it is basically a guiding path in becoming a better version of yourself.


2.   Fake it till you make it


If you want to be more self-confident, act like someone who is already confident. When people act in a self-confident manner towards others, they are more confident toward themselves. This is one of the golden rule of life. People often confuse it with acting to be someone else. The human mind is the biggest mystery in this entire universe. If you successfully convince your brain to do be that person, it registers itself to be that constant trait. And in no time you’ll become this person in no time. If you want to have something, act as if you already have it. The way our mind works, is that the more familiar as idea is, the truer it seems.


3.   Dress smart


If you ever lack confidence, just dress like an authority. This is the shortest and the simplest way to gain confidence. People will talk to a smartly dressed person rather than a person dressed in casuals. Always keep your body posture perfect even if you are in casuals. This will make the other person sure of that a very self-confident human being.


4.   Positive vibes only


Disregard all the negativity from your life and let only positive vibes in. Believing in your skills and being happy are the two most affirmative things to do. Usage of right words and using right words are important. Get up in the morning and say,’ Today is my day.’ There are a few ways to be positive. You can write your own mantra and repeat it to yourself each morning. You can write it on a piece of paper and keep it or stick it where you can see it all the time. Like on a wall or on your fridge. You can also write your affirmation on a mirror. So, stay away from anything that discourages you.


5.   Speak out loud


The way you speak in is as important as the topic you are talking about. Shy people tend to speak in a low tone whereas confident people speak not loudly but clearly and accurately. Never underestimate yourself. One can never be bad at every single thing possible. You will be good at one thing or the other.

Do not ever think that you are bad at reading or singing or playing a musical instrument. If your friend is good at it, you may be good at other. So believe in yourself! You can achieve anything and everything only if you trust yourself.

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